Friday, June 26, 2009

Father's Day :)

My wife is amazing and gave me a great father's day. For the past few months I've been craving some biscuits and gravy like the goodness I had back in Arkansas. I've had some on occasion but it all just reminds me of the good stuff. Knowing this, she took me to Cracker Barrel on Sunday morning for some biscuits 'n gravy and bacon. It was amazing. Then she gave me this book, Mondo Utah. It's probably one of the funniest books I've ever read. Then an Amazon gift certificate (which I already used on games. I'm such a dork) and a gift certificate to play some golf at Mountain View golf course. Anyway, it's 'back to the grind' as Justin would say and I am workin' workin'. Excited for 4th of July weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun! That Holly is sure a sweetie and biscuits and gravy....A favorite in the hill household as well!
